A screen, stage, and stills creative, Todd Felderstin is a directing member and Artist-In-Residence of The Actors Studio. His photography has been shown in group and solo shows around the world and productions range from on screen to on stage.
After moving to Los Angeles from Baltimore, Todd's professional photography spiked in portrait and commercial photography. He created for many of L.A.'s top PR and commercial firms creating the official "No Smoking" campaign for print and billboards. He expanded his career to both still and moving images creating environmental and musical nonfiction featuring Burt Bacharach, Barbra Streisand, Ray Parker, Jr., Sterling Radcliffe, Jerry Moss and many others. He has photographed Coretta Scott King, Robert Kennedy, Jr., Tom Hayden, just to name a few. He later traveled to Israel making the feature documentary Magics which details the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians from a first person perspective.
Days after the pandemic shuttered live venues across the United States, Todd founded Smartphone Theatre which in its first two years mounted over 50 original online plays, poetry readings and conversations to a global audience in the thousands. Casts include Oscar and Tony winners from Broadway to Hollywood such as: Oscar winner Alan Arkin, Oscar nominated director Mark Rydell, Tony winner Poetri, Robert Hays, Susan Sullivan, Mitch Ryan, David Selby, Stan Davis and dozens of others.
Todd shares his photography with a variety of students both in person and online. He is an instructor with Samy's Photo School and the Los Angeles Center of Photography.